• Citypark Business District,Mutiara Palem,Blok A No. 05 - 07. Jl.Kamal Raya Outer Ring Road, Jakarta Barat
About Conference

Smart Home+ City Indonesia 2018 is returning its 2nd edition of the exhibition presenting premier section entitled Smart IoT Indonesia 2018. The exhibition which will also present the Indonesia IoT & Smart City Conference 2018 is seeking key contributors to deliver thought provoking content at the conference. The Conference invites those that wish to be considered as a conference speaker to submit their abstract.

Becoming a speaker means you will join a network of influential thought leaders promoting the sectors current innovations, future potential and bringing real time solutions and dialogue to the room to address the IoT and smart city issue for Indonesia.

Scope and Topics

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Smart Cities and Smart Buildings

  • Environment and Urban Monitoring
  • Intelligent Buildings
  • Case Studies and Innovative Applications for Smart(er) Cities
  • Planning and Design Challenges for Smart Cities
  • Frameworks and models for Smart City Initiatives
  • Safety, Security, and Privacy for Smart Cities
  • Intelligent Buildings
  • Deployments for Smart Cities
  • Connecting infrastructure, applications and people into cities
  • Successful or failure cases of smart cities
  • Approaches and techniques for integrating smart applications and services within the city

Smart IoT

  • Big Data and IoT Data Analytics
  • Internet of Things for Smart Cities
  • Cloud Computing and Network Infrastructure for Smart Cities
  • Mobile broadband technologies (3G/4G/5G) to support connectivity in smart cities
  • Cloud computing and cloud-based data sharing solutions for smart cities
  • Open data usage, applications and services
  • Mobile computing and app interaction
  • RFID and related technologies to deliver new and enhanced services in smart cities
  • Machine to Machine (M2M)/Devices-to-Devices communications and IoT
  • Industrial IoT

Smart Transportation

Smart Agriculture

Smart Retail (E-Commerce)

Smart Manufacturing


Important Information: 
All abstracts should be limited to 350 words and summarise the content focus of the presentation. Please ensure a short biography is supplied as well as an indicated topic theme.

Please note the deadline for abstract submission is October 16, 2017. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Indonesia IoT & Smart City Conference committee and presenters will be notified by the November 16, 2017.
Your presentation paper should be exclusive to Indonesia IISCC 2018, and not one that has been presented at a previous conference or similar forum.
Presentations are allocated between 15-20 minutes plus questions and answers.
To submit your abstract please send to tiara@gem-indonesia.com.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Tiara at the aforementioned email.

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